
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mormon-Themed Memes 6


  1. The "breast" one reminds me of a major faux-pas I made when reading a scripture in what was some kind of Aaronic priesthood presidency meeting with high council members present. I was a deacon and volunteered to read Moses 1:39. I actually accidentally read it like this replacing immortality with immorality.

    39 For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immorality and eternal life of man. (Pearl of Great Price, Moses, Chapter 1)

    1. Haha! That sounds...really embarrassing.

    2. Not really. I was a sheltered Mormon boy. I had no idea what I had even said wrong. I didn't know what masturbation was until my bishop explained it to me in my deacons interview. That's the first time I ever even heard the word.

    3. Actually, that's when I first learned what it was too. My bishop at the time was my dad, too, so that made it extra awkward.

    4. When she was turning 12, my wife's bishop asked her if she had had sex with girls, boys or herself. There's something seriously wrong with this entire situation. Why does the church have their bishops sit alone in a room with a child about to turn 12, ask them about sexual things they know nothing about, and then proceed to explain what it is?

  2. So I'm not " questioning the church" but when I came across the meme about the six year old bearing his testimony I lost it. Yes!! I feel that way every time. Anyway. Carry on.

    1. Haha, glad you enjoyed that one! It's even worse when the kid's parent is whispering in their ear.
